
Mr. T. L. Crowley
5 min readJan 21, 2021

“What do you see right here?” the professor asked pointing next to him. I craned my neck to see around the hundreds of heads in the lecture hall. It looked, from what I could tell, a drab old wooden table from a thousand years ago that had witnessed the coming and goings of thousands more students, the droning of hundreds of professors, professors in waiting and every student excuse imaginable under the sun.

“A table,” a student shouted out with obvious disdain for the seemingly simple question. I rubbed my eyes. Surely there was something upon the table I just could not make out in the large, dingy room. Whispers started throughout the crowd. This was a chemistry course, right? Shuffling papers mingled with the whispers as students checked their syllabus and schedules. This had to be a joke. How much money did I spend on this course? I started doing the math: 4 credits at…

“Wrong!” shouted the professor with glee. We all jumped. Triumph beaming from his face. “What you think you see is a table.” Uh, it IS a table. “This is a class about chemistry (we looked around reassured that we were in fact in the right place but unsure about what was transpiring near the podium). This may be a table to you but to me?” his smiled widened. “This is a beautiful symphony of atoms vibrating at a frequency so high we can neither hear nor feel its movements.” What? C’mon. He can’t be serious. I sat in shock. “Atoms, they are attracted to and repelled by each other at a speed by which neither you nor I are party to witness. The resulting dance of attraction by these tiny particles is what we call a table. Isaac Newton said that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. So, what do we make of this table. What happens if we dismantle it into unknown pieces? Burn it for firewood? Have we destroyed the atoms? Have we destroyed the energy of these atoms? If energy cannot be created nor destroyed what happens to it when we destroy the table?” A seed was sowed.

Whoa. I missed much of what he said after making such a bold proclamation. I thought about the chair in which I sat, the pencil I held in my hand, my hand. Wait, my hand? Even my hand? What does that make me? Us? People? Just a bunch of atoms attracted and repelled by their charge creating a vibration neither seen or heard organized in such a way that give us physical form? Hold up. I had never thought to nor had been challenged to perceive myself as just a clump of atoms arranging and rearranging at will to create my physical form. I mean, it would be nice if they would arrange so I was a bit taller, so my hair were long and curly like those shampoo commercials, my teeth were straiter and whiter. I pinched myself. Not dreaming confirmed. Sigh.

Okay, so way back when I was a mere early twenty something I was introduced to the concept of energy, of vibration. Big deal. That is what I thought after the novelty of the news wore thin and the real work began. But, all these years later, I recall those first moments in that lecture hall with acute detail. Why? To help me make sense of this concept of energy and vibration, to allow me to expand my understanding of what energy and vibration mean, what it can do, how it can be harnessed (for good and not so good but more on that later) and the ways in which we, and I truly do mean we as in ALL of us, are able to transform this energy and vibration into something beautiful, healing, warm and comforting. If we choose to expand our minds and recognize energy and vibration, their subtleties and obtuseness, their impacts, what could be created through intent, through collaboration?

Energy. Vibration. Expansion. Contraction. Light. Heavy. We speak of energy in a multitude of ways every day. Writers understand the power of words, their connotation. Recently, I sent a text using the word uglier to describe physical attributes. Uglier. Notice how you feel when you read that word. Say it out loud. Does it feel better? Now, I corrected my question with “less attractive” and suddenly the question took a different energetic and vibratory tone. Less attractive sounds better, it feels better, its less judgmental, less harsh. Look at the words together: uglier less attractive. Can you feel the difference? We call this connotation but what is connotation but words infused with energetic and vibratory attributes that give the actual word a more positive or negative feel. This is energy. This is vibration. This is how and why writers choose their words carefully when crafting their work. Words have meaning beyond Webster.

Who loves music, sports, or other forms of crowd entertainment? Many years ago I lived in the heart of the twin cities. One evening, Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan were performing at a local outdoor stadium. I happened to be playing tennis at a near by park with my partner when the music started. We could feel the beat (vibration) of the music, hear the cheers, singing and screaming (energy)of the fans. Sound, literally passing through our bodies. We sang along as we played thoroughly enjoying ourselves, as part of and yet separate from, the event. It was uplifting, fun, and exciting. As we finished our game and began our walk home, I casually mentioned to my partner that I knew Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan were playing that evening at the stadium because I had heard the tickets were free. I should mention that Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson were a few of my partner’s favorite musicians so you can imagine the reaction when I stated free tickets. Suddenly, the energy shifted. The outrage that I knew about free tickets to an iconic, outdoor concert of revered muscians was too much my for my partner to stay silent on our walk home. Guilt replaced joy, outrage descended on bliss. My heart was heavy and my partner’s disappointed. Vibration and energy. It works both ways. Light or heavy. To this day, I still hear about the missed opportunity called free tickets to an epic concert.

I could give example after example of how vibrations and energy shape our emotional response and perception of daily events. It took years after the concert debacle for me to learn about vibration and energy, its nuances and its applications. I am still learning, growing, extending. Some days it makes total sense. Other days, my brain hurts. Vibration and Energy. It is all around us. It is us.



Mr. T. L. Crowley

Mr. T. L. Crowley is the resident black cat extraordinaire, medium and channeling, translating thoughts of consciousness at Bee Sage Farm.